Turning Two
Anyways, I would be a liar if I didn't say this slice of cyberspace I think of as a second home has turned out to be very enriching on more fronts than one. Quite apart from discovering a cosy community where an obsession with food is not only considered normal but actively fostered, I've met many wonderful people through it, friends both new and lost-and-found, whose kindness, generosity and unstinting encouragement I find deeply inspiring and am immeasurably grateful for - thank you, you know who you are.
Back to the favours. I think decorated cookie collections tend to work best when you decide on and adhere fairly strictly to a colour scheme and family of decorative motifs, keeping in mind the occasion and the intended recipient. While it's tempting to play with a riot of colours and shapes, I find the end result can look less than pulled together, unless of course you happen to be the Jackson Pollock of royal icing and possess a deftness of touch that orders chaos into beauty. The amazing thing is, despite working within these self-imposed confines (in fact, because you are), you're pushed to be more imaginative, to be more thoughtful about how each cookie should look and how all the cookies work together. By limiting yourself to set colours and motifs, it's hard to go wrong.
They are so beautiful.
These cookies are too pretty to eat!
They are really pretty! And happy second blogging anniversary! Each time you post, you remind of the importance of the aesthetics of food, for which I am immensely grateful. Thank you!
PS You left a comment on my very first blog post, so I'm thankful for that encouragement as well!!
Happy birthday, Kuidaore!
J, these are just so cute and hard to resist cookies.
Gorgeous cookies and gorgeous photos - that floral plate really sets them off!
Happy blogiversary!
Wow! I think you have an amazing hand at creating these favors. It's the first time I've visited your blog. And I must confess here that I am not a foodie, yet I love reading all such lovely blogs that make food and cooking appear so simple, beautiful, appetizing, and creative. Congratulations on achieving this feat.
Dear Joycelyn - happy 2nd anniversary, as you know, your beautiful blog has been such an inspiration for me. Thanks again, and keep inspiring us!
These are the most elegant biscuits I've ever seen...!
Wow... love these cookies, so beautifully decorated.
And Happy Blogversary too!
These are too gorgeous to eat. Happy anniversary! I am constantly amazed at what comes out of your kitchen and your gorgeous photographs...
The cookies really are breathtaking, and you've inspired me to try my hand at royal icing again soon. As a relative newcomer to food blogging I love to see some people who have kept it up for so long. Thanks and congratulations!
u r totally awesome ! hope to see more regular updates from u !! ur my idol hehhe !
fabulous two, kuidaore ! i love reading your blog and it's a feast for the eyes. i have also diligently tried out your recipes and boy! they are good. keep up the good work. thanks.
The cookie decorations are just amazing. Congratulations on the blog birthday too. I'm always flying by in rss so I don't comment much, but I always enjoy seeing what you are posting.
Was anyone brave enough to actually eat one of those beautiful cookies? They are works of art!
Gorgeous cookies!
Dear J, Happy Blog Birthday! I honestly don't know how we'd cope without your exquisite creations and luscious photos - you truly are an inspiration, and have been so since the beginning! Not to mention that you raise the bar for us all a little bit more each time you post. But hey, somebody has to keep us on our toes :)
p.s. those cookies are incredible!
Good lord, these cookies look simply amazing! I always look forward to reading your lovely blog. You always inspire me so. Thank you.
Those cookies are sweet, sweet, sweet! Congratulations on your two year blog birthday!
How beautiful they are Jocelyn! You have such a great eye and must have a very steady hand as well! The top cookies are gorgeous, but I just love those little tiny, incredibly detailed ones at the bottom - amazing. Happy birthday to your blog - your wonderful writing and photos continue to entertain and inspire me!
Happy 2nd Birthday!(: the cookies look too good to consume!
your attention to detail is absolutely breathtaking!!!!
Happy 2nd Birthday indeed
by any chance could you teach a decorated cookie class soon please??? i need to learn how to pipe just like you - like earlier comment said, you must have a very steady hand!
Happy 2nd Birthday, I love your blog and those are so cutes and fantastic !
wow! i have never left a comment before but i just wanted to say that you are truly an artist.
I just found my way here for the first time, and I have to say you have a lovely artistic hand with icing. Sadly I do not have a remotely steady hand, so my icing work always resembled that of a three-year-old.
I hope you don't mind that I've added your lovely blog to the cooking links portion of my link directory. I'm finally trying to update it a bit after some neglect, and I'm stumbling across all these delicious blogs in the process. It's such a treat!
You are amazing!!!! AMAZING.
so so gorgeous.
I wish you made cookies for my two year old.
lucky friend and lucky little girl.
can u pls share with me u'r cookie reciepe? i love to make it for my son's coming bday.
Those are beautiful! I do decorated cookies too, and I agree with you about having a concept as far as colors/shapes goes. And I love seeing other people's concepts of concepts. Really nice work!
Happy birthday to the little girl. Gorgeous decoration on the cookies. I would be afraid to eat them.
lovely idea
They are wonderful! The motifs are incredibly clear, just the right colors every thing is so wonderful!
I turn 22 in September, here is my address .... hint, hink. just kidding.
These are beyond incredible! Just magnificent.
Big, Big congrats on the 2yrs of your blog and to the little girl
Congratulations for turning two, Joycelyn. These cookies look beautiful...very charming!
hey jocelyn,
i used to freelance at womens weekly and im so surprised to find ur website thru nordljus! love the stuff ure doing now :) really beautiful
Dear Joycelyn,
With so much intricate details that go into a small cookie, these cookies are too precious to eat.
I found your site through Jaden's Steamy Kitchen. I have added you to my recipe link.
Happy blog-iversary, Jocelyn! I was in Singapore in early June and absolutely loved the country! My husband's aunt and uncle live in Bishan. I loved the black pepper crab, mangoes in Little India, everything in Chinatown and when we just needed a simple, comforting meal, the chicken rice. And how could I forget "carrot cake." I hope to visit Singapore again in the future.
Happy blog birthday dear Joycelyn! Your beautiful corner of the web is always a delight and inspiration. I'm looking forward to what marvels will come out of your kitchen next!
works of art!
Do you take orders for these? I had previously tried to order cakes and macarons from you but you declined due to lack of notice. How much notice do you need for these? What is the minimum order? Thanks. Would be nice to finally try your things.
Your cookies are beautiful! They are all so unique.
i love the photography done on your blog. It's done really elegantly & beautiful.(:
May I ask what camera you're using?
I really love your blogs. I finally have an occasion where I would like to place an order.
How can I contact you?
I have been a silent admirer of your blog for a while, and I love your creations. Happy 2 for your blog and your little friend!
Oh WHY am I always late!?
You have definitely brought more JOY and wonder into our lives!
Wow! Your cookies are beautiful! Just stumbled onto your blog..fantastic cookies.
Beautiful. Happy anniversary for first post. So happy to be able to visit your blog.
like someone earlier in thread said, getting to order from you must be like winning 4D. almost as difficult as getting into one of your cupcakes classes - i have tried since beginning this year, and still no luck!
hey there joycelyn!
just looking at your blog has left me drooling for those yummy treats even at this unearthly hour! (: in any case, my friends and i are organizing a charity concert-cum-competition to raise funds for the children's cancer foundation on 25th august (sat). it will be held at The Arena Clarke Quay. and we would be absolutely overjoyed if you would be willing to sponsor some of your heavenly treats as refreshments for the event!
please do not hesitate to contact me at laiyanlingcatherine@hotmail.com.
really looking forward to a favourable reply! it is, after all, for a good cause (:
lots of love,
wow... absolutely beautiful
incredibly and surprisingly intricate for a cookie! I love the colors and the theme overall is so cute!
These cookies are amazing... gorgeous and so delicate.
So precious! Such a lucky 2 year old :)
Blimey! They look amazing! How long did it take to decorate them?! The detail on it is soo intricate & tiny too! You sure have steady hands... As for me, I'd probably throw the icing cornet at the wall in frustration, or do a v. wiggly job that I'd call it 'rustic' to pretend it was meant to be like that! ;-)
Your cookies are so chic and beautiful. I really hope you'll be teaching these recipes. Looking forward to attending more of your upcoming cooking classes. It's always such a joy to attend.
Hi!Very pretty! Could you share the recipes for the cookies & icing? My e-mail is cheesybites@yahoo.com.sg
Happy 2nd Anniversary!
Need some advice, how do you keep your cookies from going 'lao hong' while icing and waiting for it to dry? My cookies always end up going soft.
Hi Joycelyn, hello from Amsterdam! The decoration on these cookies are amazingly superb and so are the photographs too. You must be doing this full time now i suppose!
Oh gosh!!! These are absolutely gorgeous! They are way too pretty to be eaten :)
The colour scheme is really sweet! I cannot imagine how these could be done by hand... AMAZING!!!!
I just got into your Decorated Cookie class at Shermay's. I'm very excited! See you in October! Woohoo!
Your skill at cookie decoration is impectable. Absolutely amazing! I'd pay good money for cookies that look like yours!!
stunning is the word for those cookie favors!
Hi J,
Lovely cookies. I don't think I would have the patience (if by some miracle I had the skill!!) to decorate cookies like that. They are lovely. With regards to your previous post, what's the word on the Sunbeam Gelateria? Its much cheaper than any of the others you mention. Does this translate into poorer quality? I'm sure Australian products would be more accessible in Singapore anyway..
whoa! i just got to know about your blog and i'm so in love with it!!! I'm gonna be coming here ALOT! How long have you been baking? And i would like to know which is your favorite bakery in Singapore?
Those dragonflyaways are just fabulous. That icing runout look is great for them.
the sweetest!
hi hi, ur cookies are very very nice! it looks tasty too! :)
hope u dont mind cuz i have added ur link in my food blog! :)
I LOVE the little square cookies at the end - they look like rose stamps! I want some - pretty please :)
Brilliant! Btw, do you have any recommendations for table-top and built-in oven? Thanks!
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