White Peach Tarte Tatin with Rose Champagne & Raspberry Gelee

I then stared long and hard at my cookbooks, before finally deciding on a tarte Tatin recipe from Claudia Fleming's The Last Course. I must confess that I find inverting a tarte Tatin (or tartes Tatin, in this case, given that each peach half makes for an individual tarte) tremendously exciting. It's the moment of truth - Will it satisfyingly slide out with a resounding plop, resplendent in its caramel-glossed glory as you beam with triumphant pride (and breathe a sigh of relief)? Or is it stubbornly stuck, a taunting burnt sugar catastrophe as you burst into tears contemplating your ruinous course of action? Call it living dangerously (well, I did have store-bought ice-cream in the freezer as a back-up dessert plan, just in case...), but if the kitchen gods are smiling, and more importantly, you've correctly gauged the juiciness/ripeness of the fruit - be it apples, peaches, or otherwise - in question and adapted the degree of caramelization and cooking/baking times accordingly, the gratification of unmolding a just-right tarte renversee is unsurpassed. In this particular instance, I needn't have fretted - the fruit was so juicy the caramel never stood a chance of overcooking. The peaches emerged burnished yet tender, candied from the syrupy, buttery and deeply flavoured self-made sauce. And thanks to the upside-down order of things, the puff pastry lid-turned-base, still crisp and delectably flaky. To accompany, an elegant rose champagne gelee also adapted from Fleming's book - I used raspberries instead of the white peaches called for to flavour the bubbly (not having enough peaches to stretch that far, and having always liked the combination of peaches and raspberries) - and a dribble of raspberry coulis. No need to bust out a Billecart-Salmon vintaged rose for this; a Moet & Chandon Brut Imperial Rose, which I happened to have at hand, or some such like, will do very nicely here.

The peaches do look gorgeous and I love your descriptions.
hi j! we get one blow-out shipment of shimizu white peaches a year, and that was last week. sadly, i lack the self-control to do anything but eat them, much like you do, over the sink and invariably all over me. the caramel in the tart tartin is gilding the lily, and the rose champagne and raspberry gelee is gilding the already gilded lily, innit? ;) gorgeous, sumptuous, elegant, yet oh-so-decadent. fantastic work, per usual!
ps--i always think of the springy netting the peaches come in as fruit bras....
hi, j. i don't know which looks more fabulous: the beautifully burnished appearance of the finished tarte tatin or the pastel-hued silkiness of those fresh white peaches!
momo a gogo!
Might be a silly question , but why is it lower case "t" tarte and capital "T" Tatin? It's a nicely detailed touch.
a taunting burnt sugar catastrophe is more Ian than Claudia.
hi ruth, thanks for your kind words :)
hi santos, thanks! i had to exercise every ounce of self-control not to wolf down the last two...re:fruit bras...or control briefs in this peachy derriere case ;)
hi midge, thanks! you're very kind :)
hi ag, thanks for dropping by...am eating peaches as fast as the season lasts...
hi anthony, i got too lazy to repeat the whole sisters Tatin/curnonsky legend, but thought it would be churlish not to make some sort of reference - capital "T" seemed like an economical way out.
you found me out - i have a secret goldeneye fixation ;)
ooohh! those peaches look very delicious, I especially like these big and plump ones which allow you to big generously into them and just have the juices flow down your chin and your fingers - sink stance of course a requirement!! :)
Hi J,
I would love to try this sometime. I'm not really a peach kind of person, but these make me want to eat 'em.
Beautiful photos!
Hi J, i have been hooked on peaches as of late, and yours look perfect! The Tarte Tatin sounds and looks delicious.. I think I may have to look for a recipe, its too hard to resist.. :)
Tarte Tatin sounds really good !And your blog pictures are always good enough to eat.
By the way I've tagged you for the Childhood Food Memories Meme and hope you have time to write it.
WHY aren't peaches in season!!!!!!
hmmm maybe I will have to make an apple tarte tartin instead....?
Simply beautiful, J. I love the way you were able to stretch the peaches to serve company - and I agree that raspberries and peaches are a wonderful combination!
hi eatzycath, thanks - i love the messily delicious affair that is eating peaches too ;)
hi reid, thanks!if it's any persuasion, baked peaches taste totally different from the fresh deal...
hi michele, thanks!glad to hear you like tarte tatin too...
hi deccanheffalump, thanks! ruth tagged me too - happy to play! will try to get round to it...
hi clare, i love tarte tatin anything...
hi nic, thanks for dropping by. call me shallow, but one of the various reasons i love the combination is how the colours look great together ;)
ooo J, looks really complex, but you make it sound simple. looks festive enough for CNY tho :P
oh, thanks for dropping by earlier. comments answered :)
Gorgeous as per usual - this post is pure poetry! And on a conceited note, a perfect recipe for my recently peach-obsessed palate.
only one word to sum up my impression as I saw your blog... PEI FU!!! :) Great job!
hi ac and mellie, thanks :) you are very kind
hi tara, thanks! glad to see you settling into your new home ;)
Hi J - another beautiful post! I quite like peaches, esp when I'm travelling in Southern Europe. But I've never had them baked, and am now quite curious after you've mentioned that they're totally different. Might even do a decent job of the under-ripe ones mostly available in the UK maybe?
hi pille, thanks :) am inclined to think baking would intensify the present sugars in the underripe fruit plus soften it...there's also the added sugar in case the fruit is tart...curious to try baking on underripe supermarket peaches to see if technique works...cheers,j
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